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Vrana History

Name Vrana is Liburnian decent. Ancient writers (Ravenat, Guido and Paul Deacon) returns toponim Lauriana. From the Middle Ages to the documents, the Vrana called Laurana, La Vrana or Aurana. In addition to the above mentioned names in archives and other historical sources for Vrana used and names: Arozona, Arausae, Aurasione, Arausione and others.

Vrana history

Vrana in the Venetian period, primarily, represents a military fortification, driven by (and command) castellan. Military crew consists of mercenaries – stipendiarii. In 1428 Vrana crew consisted of 50 soldiers, however, at the end of the 15th century, there were about 1,003 (because of the Turkish threat).

Apart from military fortification, Vrana was and judicial administrative center. The Vrana was the seat of the court, which was subordinated castellan, and consisted of two judges and under-judges.

The population of crows mainly consisted of farmers, while only a small number deal with the most necessary trades.
Vrana was a very important trade fair city. The fair lasted 16 days – 8 days before and 8 days after the feast of St. George. Vrana was an important wine market where not only sold wine from our area, but the driveways and other areas. The Vrana were traded meat and skin (there is more slaughterhouses), and there were oil refineries.
Finally, it is important to emphasize that the Vrana was the sort of monetary center. Namely, the Vrana came to receive credit. They have raised the inhabitants of Vrana area.

Vrana was under Venetian rule, except his castellans and military crew and had his clerk and the two judges who were elected from local people. Fortress, or visit ancient city, had together with suburb in 1527 561 inhabitants.
Under Vrana at that time belonged to the following settlements: Hrašćan (with hamlets Babac, Komornik and Fermić), Tignj, Zablaće, Blaćane (Blata), Poškaljina, Pakoštane, Skorobić, Bojska, Malinavas, Pristeg, Baškonjane and Ritićane.
Vrana and his neighboring villages Škorobić, Baškonjani and Ritićani belonged to sub-county zablatskoj. It is mentioned in documents as “villa vocata Scorobich” in 1453, “villa vocata Bascognane” in 1453 and “villa vocata Ritichiane” in 1396.

The settlement Vrana was throughout the period of Ottoman rule in the status of the town, which means that it had the character of the support work related to the fortress, regardless of the structure of its population and economic activity that is performed here, as opposed to something broader meaning of the term town in the labeling categories of urban settlements in areas that were farther from the border area, which is marked as such urban settlements exclusively or predominantly inhabited by Christian populations. In the town Vrana population has largely been a military element that lived there because of military needs. In the first decade of the Turkish government town was deserted and uninhabited. The only information which indicates the existence of the support which the town before the arrival of the Turks is that the 1550 deed issued sandžakbeg Cause Hajrudin on two heritage, one of which is the inheritance of the Christian by the name of Soča, in the town Vrana. This is the heritage of the indigenous abandoned home that is now assigned to the term town. Settling of the situation and the establishment of the crew in the old medieval fortress Vrana, come up with something stronger settlement of the town, so that it resides and later the military with their families, but also features some of the civilian population who are engaged in agriculture. Such is the situation with the town Vrana, it can be said, remained the whole time of the Turkish authorities.

Nahija Vrana was first mentioned in 1574, but it is certainly formed earlier. She covered the area east of the town Vrana, and northeast of Lake Vransko jezero. In nahija were included the following settlements: Pristeg, Uzelice, Skorobić, Banjevac, Budičić (Budak) and Vukšić.
Economic activity in the area nahija Vrana had exclusively agricultural character (the population is engaged in agricultural production). Initially Turkish authorities this production was very small, of course, because of the very small population, but has risen steadily and early seventeenth century reached some normal frames. In this area were grown grains: wheat, breed, barley and oats, then a member, but the red and white onion and cabbage, and olives, figs and even some fruits and vegetables. It was developed and beekeeping and honey production.

Given the border character fortress Vrana had its role in the chain of border fortifications. It should draw attention to two types of fortifications in the Turkish military system in the border areas: there are fortifications inside the Sanjak with crews that are to carry out their military service enjoyed grooming and both were related to the building in which they serve, and secondly, there are marginal or Krajina fortification with something diverse crews that are again to carry out their jobs were paid in cash, so they were much freer in movement and the eventual relocation easier in other objects, depending on the needs. These border fortress represented Border or serhad, and in such Krajina organization entered the fortress and Vrana.

Vrana has always remained in the chain of border fortifications. Its crew consisted of these military families: mustahfiz as guardians of the fortress, then artillerymen, but Faris (cavalry), azap (light infantry) and martolozi who controlled and surrounding positions. Here you can take out and summary data on the number of crew members from the years 1616 and 1643, with whom we have. In 1616, the crew of the fort Vrana consisted of 25 mustahfiz, 4 artillerymen, 18 azapa, 9 and 31 martolozi Faris, a total of 83 soldiers, of which 13 belonged to the staff of command. In 1643 the situation was as follows: mustahfiz 25, 5 artillerymen, infantrymen, 18, Faris 28 and martolozi 27, a total of 103, of which 19 belonged to the staff of command.

According to statistics from the nineteenth century, it is known that even in 1830 in Vrana operated postal exchange with official Miho Knežević, and in 1832 was given a place Serdar, led by chieftain Kristo Zakaria.

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